First Aid English courses
Learn first aid skills to use in an emercency. On this page you will find all first aid courses in English at The Netherlands Red Cross. Choose a course type and find a date and location nearby.
First Aid courses for children and babies at the Red Cross are approved by the Innovation and Quality Childcare Act (wet IKK).
First Aid Course (in class)
- Learn all basic first aid skill including Basic Life Support and AED
- 12 hours in class
- Wereldwijd erkend certificaat
Vanaf € 235,-
First Aid Course (online + in class)
- Learn all basic first aid skills including resuscitation and AED
- 8 hours online + 4 hours in class
- Worldwide recognized certificate
Vanaf € 135,-
Advanced First Aid Course (in class)
- Complete course for adults
- 20 hours in class
- Worldwide recognized certificate
Vanaf € 300,-
Advanced First Aid Course (online + in class)
- Complete course for adults
- 14 hours online + 6 hours in class
- Worldwide recognized certificate
Vanaf € 190,-
Advanced First Aid for Babies, Children and Adults Course (online + in class)
- Most complete course
- 16 hours online + 8 hours in class
- Worldwide recognized certificate and Wet IKK approved certificate
Vanaf € 270,-
Hulp nodig?
Heb jij advies nodig bij het kiezen van een EHBO-cursus? Doe de keuzehulp en ontdek welke cursus het beste past bij jou past.
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