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Course Book First Aid for Babies and Children

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  • Handy and complete reference book
  • Information on medical emergencies and injuries with the focus on common childhood accidents
  • Essential for parents and caregivers


A possible life-saving reference to keep at home, this complete book explains all first aid topics related to babies and chidren. Do you know what to do in case of an emergency? This course book will help everyone to deal with medical emergencies, common injuries and childhood illnesses. It is the ideal reference work for all parents and caregivers.

Do you know what to do when your baby or child falls or gets ill? With the right actions you can minimize injury and future disability. In serious cases, first aid may be necessary to keep a baby or child alive.
This course book covers all first aid topics that everyone can encounter: from burns, poisoning, severe choking to injuries due to weather influences or contact with insects. Every topic is clearly explained, outlining causes, symptoms, signs and step-by-step action plans.
The actions are illustrated to help you visualize processses. This complete book gives you the knowledge and advice on first aid for babies and children.
This clearly written book is suitable as a reference work. There is room for notes in the back.
All actions described in the Red Cross First Aid course book comply with the most recent Dutch First Aid Guidelines. These guidelines are based on the latest International First Aid, Resuscitation and Education Guidelines from the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies).

Table of Content course book First Aid for babies and children 

1. Introduction
2. First Aid in 4 steps
3. Emergency first aid
4. First aid in case of...
5. Medical emergencies
6. Injuries due to weather conditions
7. Injuries due to contact with insects/animals
8. Childhood illnesses
Appendix abbreviations and references
136 pages including space for notes
EAN/ISBN 8720726262033
Druk / versie January 2022


De e-learning was prima. Het stukje over reanimatie was even puzzelen, maar door een paar keer de mist in te gaan, leer je het wel beter!
Ik vond de manier hoe de cursus werd gegeven, heel prettig, er hing een goede sfeer. De instructeur legde alles duidelijk en rustig uit.
‘Super fijn hoe het EHBO team altijd klaar staat voor organisatoren en cursisten. Dank voor alle hulp!'
Ramón Weekenstroo - Rode Broeder
Erg vlotte levering van de bestelde EHBO-set - 'In en om het huis' !
Jacqueline uit Tilburg
Ik vond de combinatie van online en praktijk heel fijn. En ik had er echt wat aan en vond het heel interessant.
De EHBO Box is een uitgebreid pakket. We hebben het als cadeau gegeven en de ontvanger was er erg blij mee.
Remy uit Middelburg